Wednesday, January 16, 2008

my vewy fuhst cawicatuah

So the first illustration for my caricature class was... well, if you can figure it out then I did a good job. I started doing an acrylic painting that looked something like this:

But it looked like ass so I changed a bunch of stuff. I scanned it in and started to do a digital painting over the acrylics. The biggest compositional difference was that I got rid of those flying pages across the middle of the image. They kept getting in the way of the desk and the suitcases and It was bugging me. I also had to fix the light source because the curtains were just backward and it looked like the figure had been toasted.

I also threw in the presidential seal in the corner to drive home that we are, in fact, in the oval office and not some waiting room in purgatory with an excellent view of the fires of hell... though I guess that is still one possible interpretation. I consider myself too apolitical to actually feel strongly about the opinions presented in this piece, but I'm sure somebody out there believes it.

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